
John Gaventa

John Gaventa

Research Fellow and Director, Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) programme

Professor John Gaventa is a political sociologist, educator and civil society practitioner with over 40 years of experience in research, teaching and organisational leadership in North and South.

Professor Gaventa is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies and Director of the Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme. He previously served as Director of Research at IDS (2015-2019), and as Director of the Coady International Institute and Vice President of International Development at StFX University in Canada (2011-2014). Prior to that, he was a Fellow in the Power, Participation and Social Change team at IDS, and Director of the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability, based at IDS.

Linking research and practice, he has written and/ or edited a dozen books and over sixty articles, book chapters and research reports related to issues of citizenship and citizen engagement, power and participation, governance and accountability, inequality and social change in a number of countries around the world. His most recent books include Citizen-Led Innovation for a New Economy (co-editor with Alison Mathie), Globalizing Citizens (co-editor with Rajesh Tandon) and Citizen Action and National Policy Reform (co-editor with Rosemary McGee).

A former Rhodes Scholar and MacArthur Prize Fellow, in 2011 he also received the Tisch Civic Engagement Research Prize for his distinguished scholarship on civic learning, citizen participation and engaged research. In 2012, he was awarded an OBE for his service to Oxfam Great Britain, where he was chair from 2006 – 2011. He holds a DPhil degree from Oxford University.

John supervises the PhD student JoonYeol Lee, alongside Jodie Thorpe and Marjoke Oosterom.

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John Gaventa is on Twitter @JohnGaventa

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Social Accountability for Place Based Nature Recovery

Social Accountability for Place Based Nature Recovery is a consultancy project for Natural England (NE). The aim is to provide Natural England with new insights into how social accountability approaches can support place-based nature recovery, and how they might be strengthened in order to...


Learning at the intersections of just transitions

The Just Transitions Learning Project will increase voice and power, and support more inclusive and effective advocacy strategies, among marginalised communities and groups affected by energy transitions inhigh-inequality, resource-rich nations of Africa and Latin America.


‘Education Out Loud’ Global Learning Partner

IDS is a Global Learning Partner for Education Out Loud (EOL), a fund for advocacy and social accountability that supports civil society to be active, representative, and influential in shaping education policies to better meet the needs of communities, especially of vulnerable and marginalized...


Navigating Civic Space in a Time of Covid-19

The Navigating Civic Space in a Time of Covid project examined patterns of changing civic space and civic action in Mozambique, Nigeria and Pakistan during the first nine months of the Covid-19 pandemic. How did the pandemic affect already shrinking civic space, particularly for activists and...



Can transparency make extractive industries more accountable?

Over the last two decades great strides have been made in terms of holding extractive industries accountable.  As demonstrated at the Global Assembly of Publish What You Pay (PWYP), which I attended recently in Dakar, Senegal, more information than ever about revenue flows to governments from...

8 February 2019


Journal Article

Repertoires of Citizen Action in Hybrid Settings

In recent years, a growing literature has emerged analysing how organised citizen action can achieve more accountable and inclusive governance mostly focused on relatively open, democratic or more stable contexts, often in western democracies. Yet only a small proportion of the world’s...

28 February 2023

John Gaventa’s recent work


What have we learned from the powercube?

Over ten years ago John Gaventa and the Power, Participation and Social Change team at IDS, developed the power cube. We want to hear from people who have used the tool to understand what can we can learn from it.

18 December 2017