
Nepal Action Research Group 7

Family Lack of Awareness and Conflict Leads to Abuse and Exploitation at the Workplace

Published on 17 June 2024

The Adult Entertainment Sector (AES) is a relatively new and growing sector in Kathmandu, developing rapidly after international aid and trade relations led to the growth of a consumer economy and the development of a consumer culture.

The AES employs women and girls in a context where alternative work opportunities are limited. The sector is included by CLARISSA as one of the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) due to the nature of forced labour, slavery, and commercial sexual exploitation of children inside the sector. During the CLARISSA life story analysis, many children from this area emphasised poor family relationships and the majority of children from this settlement are engaged in some sort of child labour. This is a report of the Action Research Group in this location, which covered two themes: (1) lack of awareness and family conflict leading to abuse and exploitation at the workplace, and (2) social norms around voices of children not being important in relation to family matters.

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CLARISSA (2024) Family Lack of Awareness and Conflict Leads to Abuse and Exploitation at the Workplace, Nepal Action Research Group 7, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/CLARISSA.2024.031

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Institute of Development Studies


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