
Alex Shankland

Alex Shankland

Research Fellow

Alex Shankland is a social scientist who has worked for more than two decades on health systems, indigenous and minority health, civil society, accountability, political representation and local governance, particularly in Brazil and Mozambique. He convenes the Brazil International Development Research and Mutual Learning Hub and co-convenes the Accountability for Health Equity Programme. His current research interests centre on theories and practices of democratic representation, accountability and citizen-state engagement, with particular reference to the political strategies of indigenous peoples and other marginalised minorities engaging with health, energy, development and climate change policies, and to the role of unruly politics in a context of changing civic space.

Alex is currently Lead Principal Investigator for the Trans-Atlantic Platform funded project Building Back Better from Below: Health and Food Justice Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic, having previously been PI of the British Academy funded project Just Transitions in Africa’s Oil and Gas Producing Regions (2021-22) and of ESRC/DFID funded project Vozes Desiguais / Unequal Voices: the Politics of Accountability for Health Equity in Brazil and Mozambique (2015-2018).

In addition to ongoing work on the health system in Mozambique with the FCDO-funded POTENCIAR programme, Alex has worked extensively on Mozambican social accountability and democratic governance initiatives, including Diálogo, the Citizen Engagement Programme(CEP), and several projects under the Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme.

Alex has also worked extensively on the roles of Brazil and other rising powers in reshaping international development cooperation, and co-founded the IDS Rising Powers in International Development research programme, which is now being taken forward with colleagues from across the University of Sussex campus under the umbrella of the Centre for Rising Powers and Global Development. He is a member of the Working Group on Shared Societies of the Club de Madrid Brazil Policy Dialogue.

An experienced manager of international and interdisciplinary research and consultancy programmes, prior to completing his DPhil Alex was IDS Research Manager for the DFID-funded Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability and Coordinator of the IDS-led consortium responsible for the redesign of Brazil’s health system for indigenous peoples. Before coming to IDS he worked extensively as a journalist, NGO project and programme manager, independent researcher and social development consultant, mainly in South America (especially Brazilian Amazonia) and Southern Africa. Alex currently co-supervises three PhD students, who work on activism and regenerative approaches in civil society (Lúcia Nader) and on changing state-citizen relations in Mozambique and Angola (Egídio Chaimite and Edmilson Ângelo). He will consider additional applications for PhD supervision from the 2024-25 academic year, and is particularly interested in hearing from prospective candidates who are proposing to focus in their PhD research on Brazilian development experiences and/or the changing dynamics of social movement action and political representation, particularly with reference to indigenous and traditional peoples.



Learning support to the ALIADAS-WVL programme in Mozambique

In this project, IDS designed and delivered a 5-day workshop in Nampula, Mozambique on behalf of the ALIADAS-WVL programme in March 2023. The ALIADAS-WVL programme convenes a network of NGOs working to defend the rights of women and girls across Mozambique, and requested support from IDS to...


Learning at the intersections of just transitions

The Just Transitions Learning Project will increase voice and power, and support more inclusive and effective advocacy strategies, among marginalised communities and groups affected by energy transitions inhigh-inequality, resource-rich nations of Africa and Latin America.



Brazil’s return: South-South Cooperation and Africa relations

President Lula’s participation in the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg last week emphasised the claim that ‘Brazil is back’ as a partner for African countries. It highlighted the extent to which his government’s renewed foreign policy commitment to the Global South places a focus on African...

Alex Shankland
Alex Shankland & 2 others

1 September 2023


Brazil’s return: International cooperation for food security

President Lula has emphasised his commitment to making the fight against hunger a central focus for Brazil’s international policy engagements during his third term of office, which began in January. Food and Nutrition Security also ranked high among the sectoral priorities for Brazilian...

Alex Shankland
Alex Shankland & 2 others

1 September 2023


Recasting Brazil’s Cerrado as a sociobiodiverse territory

Recent news about genocidal crimes against the Yanomami in the Brazilian Amazon provides a sobering reminder of the precarious condition facing frontier territories that are the locus of predatory incursions with impacts on people and nature. While all eyes are on the Amazon, a new IDS Bulletin...

Lídia Cabral
Lídia Cabral & 2 others

8 February 2023



Understanding Governance from the Margins: What Does It Mean In Practice?

What does governance look like ‘from below’ – from the perspectives of poor and marginalised households? How do patterns of conflict affect that? These were the questions at the heart of the Governance at the Margins research project. Over three years from 2017-2020 we worked to explore...

Katrina Barnes & 13 others

29 November 2021

Alex Shankland’s recent work


Brazil election result – implications for global development?

120 million citizens of Brazil have voted, and Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva has been elected as Brazil’s next President.  However, in the tight run-off race held on Sunday, he only beat the incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro by the tightest of margins, with the final result being Lula...

2 November 2022