
The Sanitation Learning Hub

Since 2006, the Sanitation Learning Hub (previously known as the CLTS Knowledge Hub) has been supporting learning within the sanitation and hygiene sector.

Visit the Sanitation Learning Hub website

With funding from Sida from 2019-2024, recently the focus of the Hub’s work has been to support and strengthen the sector to tackle the complex challenges it faces in delivering Global Goal 6.2 – ‘By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.’

From 2024 onwards, the Sanitation Learning Hub is moving to a portfolio funding model and is open to new collaborations and funders. You can find out about some of our projects at the bottom of this page.

The rate of change and the complexity of the challenges the sector faces in reaching Goal 6.2 are considerable and increasing. There is a clear need for a flexible range of approaches, along with the ability to assess what approach (or combination of approaches) is suitable in diverse contexts. This means rapidly identifying what works and what does not, filling gaps in knowledge, acknowledging failures and finding answers that provide practical ideas for policy and practice. The thrust of the Hub’s work over the next four years will be to trial, test and promote timely, relevant and actionable learning approaches.

The Hub will also be playing an important role in tackling essential emerging questions and issues within the sector such as:

The team continue to create much needed spaces in the sector that are designed to facilitate the honest reflection and co-generation of learning and innovation for stronger policy and practice.

Key activities include:

  • Co-convening workshops for reflecting, sharing and learning
  • Innovating ‘Rapid Action Learning’ (RAL) participatory approaches and methodologies, capturing field-level realities and voices from the ground
  • Co-producing action-orientated research, publications and tools
  • Providing timely digital communications via the website, newsletter and social media.




Strengthening and Broadening Community-Led Total Sanitation at Scale

The Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Hub works in collaboration with practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and others in the development, sanitation and related communities, and in governments, international agencies, civil society, research institutes and other organisations.

Recent work


Moving towards responsible gold mining in Geita, Tanzania

The Geita region in Tanzania is rich in gold deposits, which have attracted a lot of small-scale (and a few large) mining companies. In the past, the relationship between mining companies and local communities was negative due to allegations of irresponsible and unethical actions by these...

26 April 2024


The ethics of using photos in the WASH sector

Sanitation and hygiene issues deal with difficult, hidden, and taboo areas of life, which people often don’t really want to talk about, let alone look at. They can also deal with seemingly mundane issues (for example, going the toilet, washing hands) which people can overlook as...

Ruhil Iyer
Ruhil Iyer & 3 others

27 February 2024


Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Making Unpaid WASH Work Visible

SLH Learning Paper;18

Target 5.4 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) involves the recognition and valuing of unpaid care and domestic work (UCDW). Much UCDW is related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and daily workloads increase when household and community WASH services are weak, in disrepair or...

16 October 2023


Exploring Female-headed Households’ Sanitation Needs, Tasikmalaya

SLH Learning Paper;17

Female-headed households often get left behind in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming and policy. This Sanitation Learning Hub Learning Paper presents findings and recommendations for action, from the participatory video research project, ‘Sanitation, health and livelihood issues...

18 September 2023

Impact Story

Co-creating approaches to climate change and uncertainty

Collaborations are central to how we work at IDS. The bedrock of this work is participation – of local communities and citizens, and of country-based researchers, businesses, advocates, activists and policymakers. Building, sharing and valuing local knowledge was the springboard for the...

1 September 2023