
Law, Democracy and Development

The Law, Democracy and Development Programme (LDD) at IDS brought together scholars, policy actors, and students to debate innovative research on the relationship between fundamental rights, state and non-state legal systems, and human development. It was based on the premise that legal and regulatory orders shape people’s economic and political decision-making and thus their life-chances and development opportunities. The design of legal institutions have consequences on the fate of ‘basic rights-oriented’ goals such as the ‘Millennium Development Goals’ for eliminating poverty and inequality.

The programme fostered cross-disciplinary and comparative research by sponsoring workshops, seminars, courses in the IDS MPhil and MA in Governance, and a Working Paper series. The priority focus of LDD in the 2001-05 period was on the links between legal mobilisation of civil society and state actors in defining and meeting land, housing and property rights.

In collaboration with the DRC on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability, the research examined: 

  • different development actors’ understanding and implementation of rights-based approaches to development
  • how grassroots movements invent or redefine accountability structures in the process of claiming rights.

Details of other related research projects and workshops: 

  • The Rights to Property and Human Rights
  • Legal Translation of Customary Law 
  • Legal Mobilisation of Rural Poor 
  • Legal Mobilisation of Urban Poor 
  • Right to Information

Key contacts

Project details

start date
23 February 2001
end date
23 February 2005

Recent work

Working Paper

Notes on Access to Justice in a Megalopolis: São Paulo, Brazil

IDS Working Paper 181

Access to justice has been recognised as a fundamental right that is essential for the enjoyment of all other rights. In Brazil this right is guaranteed to all citizens by the Federal Constitution of 1988. To guarantee the exercise of this right, the Constitution includes among basic rights, the...

10 August 2018

Working Paper

Towards an Actor-oriented Perspective on Human Rights

IDS working papers;169

This paper argues that rights are shaped through actual struggles informed by people's own understandings of what they are justly entitled to. Examining rights from the perspective of actual struggles makes it possible for analysis to transcend accepted normative parameters of human rights...

1 January 2002