Working Paper

IDS working papers;55

Poverty and Social Exclusion in North and South

Published on 1 January 1997

The debate on ‘social exclusion’ has mostly taken place in developed countries, but closely mirrors the debate on ‘poverty’ in developing countries: both stress the problem of multiple deprivation, the psycho-social factors, and the importance of agency and participation in the widest sense. There are important connections to make between these separate debates, and across geographical boundaries between North and South.

The Institute of Development Studies and the Poverty Research Unit, both at the University of Sussex, convened a workshop to explore the connections and draw conclusions for both theory and policy; this is the report. There were papers on new approaches to deprivation, and on sectoral issues in the areas of food, health, child poverty and labour markets. Access, personal security, vulnerability and other issues are firmly on the agenda in both North and South. There are many new connections to make.

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John Gaventa

Research Fellow and Director, Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) programme

Publication details

published by
Gaventa, John
IDS Working Paper, issue 55
1 85864 123 3


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