
Recommendations and Key Findings for the Post-2015 Global Development Framework

Published on 22 March 2013

This document outlines key recommendations based on the findings of the research with people living in greatest poverty and those who are most marginalised.

People living in greatest poverty and those most marginalised want a different kind of development, where interventions and public policies enact principles that are inclusive and sustainable. According to the poorest and most marginalised groups in over 100 countries, a global framework must guarantee development that leaves no one behind; which does not demand impossible choices of the poorest and most vulnerable; which provides hope; and which recognises and strengthens the networks that hold people together. How this process is supported – by government at all levels, by business, by civil society, and by citizens themselves, is fundamentally important.


Thea Shahrokh

Research Officer

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published by
Frecheville, N., Wheeler, J. and Shahrokh, T.


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