
Understanding China’s Approaches to International Development

Published on 3 October 2014

China’s impressive economic growth and increasing development activities overseas, particularly in the African continent, have spurred intense debate and criticism over its role as a rising power in international development.

China is viewed in the West both as a threat, but also as a valuable potential partner in development cooperation. However, differences between Western and Chinese conceptions of foreign aid and development have complicated cooperation and understanding of China’s development and aid structures.

Further knowledge of these differences is needed, in order to evaluate their implications for low-income countries, and for potential trilateral cooperation.


Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director

Yunnan Chen

Research Officer

Rhiannon McCluskey

Communications and Impact Manager

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published by
Gu, J., Chen, Y. and Zhang, Y.
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 75


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