
Workshop: “Pathways to Stronger Futures: economic strengthening and childhood development”

Published on 17 January 2018

This workshop was organised as part of a new research project seeking to understand linkages between economic strengthening through comprehensive social protection and childhood development in Haiti.

The research is funded by the British Academy and DFID as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund and Department for International Development Early Childhood Development Programme. The aim of the workshop was three-fold: to (i) discuss the state of play with respect to evidence of economic empowerment, livelihoods and comprehensive social protection programming – including graduation programming – and its impact on childhood development, (ii) present upcoming mixedmethods research on economic empowerment and childhood development in Haiti, and (iii) discuss knowledge gaps within the existing evidence and how they might be filled with upcoming research in Haiti.


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

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