
Briefing Paper: Cash Transfers and Public Works in Chad: Building Blocks of a National Social Protection System

Published on 1 June 2016

UNICEF commissioned the Centre for Social Protection at the UK Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and the Bureau of Economic and Social Research and Studies (BERDES) in Chad to provide technical support to the Government of Chad in the development of its National Social Protection Strategy. IDS and BERDES then provided further support in identifying and strengthening appropriate mechanisms for implementing the strategy. Two case studies were selected: cash transfer schemes, and public works programmes, which are summarised in this paper. This Briefing Paper was written by Stephen Devereux and Carol Watson, and draws on the case study reports: Cash transfers and resilience in Chad (Watson, Devereux and Abdoulaye, 2016) and Labour-intensive public works in Chad (Watson, Devereux and Nan-guer, 2016).

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Institute of Development Studies


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Programmes and centres
Centre for Social Protection

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