Journal Article

BMC Public Health;19

Street-Level Diplomacy and Local Enforcement for Meat Safety in Northern Tanzania: Kowledge, Pragmatism and Trust

Published on 3 July 2019

With increasing demand for red meat in Tanzania comes heightened potential for zoonotic infections in animals and humans that disproportionately affect poor communities.

A range of frontline government employees work to protect public health, providing services for people engaged in animal-based livelihoods (livestock owners and butchers), and enforcing meat safety and food premises standards. In contrast to literature which emphasises the inadequacy of extension support and food safety policy implementation in low- and middle-income countries, this paper foregrounds the ‘street-level diplomacy’ deployed by frontline actors operating in challenging contexts.

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Hrynick, T. A.; Barasa, V.; Benschop, J.; Cleaveland, S.; Crump, J. A.; Davis, M.; Mariki, B.; Mmbaga, B. T.; Mtui-Malamsha, N,; Prinsen, G.; Sharp,J.; Sindiyo, E.; Swai, E. S.; Thomas, K. M.; Zadoks, R.; & Waldman, L. (2019) Street-Level Diplomacy and Local Enforcement for Meat Safety in Northern Tanzania: Kowledge, Pragmatism and Trust, BMC Public Health (2019) 19:863


Tabitha Hrynick

Research Officer

Violet Barasa

Senior Tutor

Linda Waldman

Director of Teaching and Learning

Jackie Benschop
Sarah Cleaveland
John A. Crump
Mark M Davis
Sayuni Mariki
Blandina Theophil Mmbaga
N. Mtui-Malamsha
G. Prinsen
Andrew J. Sharp
E. Sindiyo
E. S. Swai
K. M. Thomas
R. Zadoks

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BMC Public Health, volume 19


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