
Africa Power and Politics Programme (APPP) Policy Brief;3

The State and Accessible Justice in Africa: is Ghana Unique?

Published on 1 November 2011

The provision of legitimate and accessible justice for its citizens is one of the fundamental duties of a well-governed state. But throughout Africa the institutions of state justice are struggling to overcome problems of overload and delay, perceptions of corruption and popular distrust.

Current policy prescriptions to improve access to justice are dominated by the bm,  lief that non-state, customary or informal ‘alternative dispute resolution’ (ADR) systems provide the best solutions. But research by Africa Power and Politics (APPP) in Ghana challenges this new orthodoxy. The findings suggest that the state can and does provide ADR-type accessible justice at local level that aligns with popular beliefs and expectations.

Cite this publication

Crook. R. (2011) 'The state and accessible justice in Africa: is Ghana unique?', Policy Brief 3, Africa Power and Politics Programme (APPP), Overseas Development Institute


Richard Crook

Emeritus Fellow

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Overseas Development Institute
Crook, Richard


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Africa Ghana

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