
K4D Helpdesk Report 785.8

COVID-19 Health Evidence Summary No.8

Published on 1 April 2020

This daily COVID-19 Health Evidence Summary is to signpost DFID and other UK government departments to the latest relevant evidence and discourse on COVID-19 to inform and support their response. It is a result of 2-2.5 hours of work and is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of evidence.

This summary covers eight publications on the need to avoid COVID-19 stigma, future pandemic prevention, the economic and social consequences of responses to COVID-19 pandemic, a closer look at demand-side incentives for a vaccine, ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines, refugee and migrant health in the COVID-19 response, LSHTM’s collaboration with UK Government and Unilever to reach a billion people in global hand washing campaign, and distilling existing guidance to support COVID-19 R&D.This summary also covers global evidence on tracking COVID-19 cases, online course, and COVID-19 resource hubs that are accessible by the public.

Cite this publication

Millington, K.A. (2020), COVID-19 Health Evidence Summary 8, K4D Evidence Summary, Brighton: IDS

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