Past Event

CDI webinar series on methods for theory-based evaluation

Shaping policy with evidence: Using stakeholder mapping to identify pathways to influence

2 June 2021 13:00–14:00

This session will introduce participants to a number of tools and approach to reflect on the different roles that stakeholder groups play in shaping policy with evidence. The presentation will encourage participants to consider how contexts, power and political interests and incentive structures influence the ways in which actors engage with and act upon evidence.

We will reflect on the intersecting roles that different stakeholders play in the generation and use of evidence and the diverse capacities that are needed to engage with different audiences and frame messages to resonate with policy conversations and priorities. These insights will support participants to reflect upon the range of causal pathways to shape policy with evidence and challenge their assumptions of how change happens.


Louise Clark has worked as a monitoring, evaluation and learning professional for the past 10 years, in which time she has worked for both Oxfam America and Action Aid International and as an independent evaluator. Her work involves all stages in the MEL cycle, from the strategic design of MEL frameworks and approaches, creating MEL processes and products, supporting monitoring and reporting to managing evaluations and facilitating spaces for reflection and learning. She has strong facilitation skills with particular interest in Theory of Change as a tool to build shared ownership of project outcomes and to challenge assumptions about how change happens to support learning and improvement. She also has considerable experience in managing project evaluations, having commissioned numerous evaluations for INGOs as well as designing and implementing fieldwork as an independent consultant.

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