Past Event

Migration and mobility in Ghana and beyond: considerations for post Covid-19

26 May 2021 14:00–15:30

This event will examine recent research on migration and mobility in Ghana and West Africa, and discuss its implications and future trajectory.

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Four experts in the field will present completed and ongoing research on movement within and across regions and countries. The themes addressed include the movement of youth, the role of environmental change, and the significance of inter-rural migration as well as migration between urban areas and their hinterlands. Presenters will hold a discussion, which will touch on the potential impacts of recent events, particularly the Covid-19 pandemic, on such migration and mobility. Participants are invited to bring their questions to the discussion, which will aim to sketch out important directions for research in this field in the coming period.



  • Professor Akosua Darkwah, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Ghana. Read her presentation here.
  • Professor Joseph Teye, Director of the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. Read his presentation here
  • Dr Francis Jarawura, Lecturer, University for Development Studies. Read his presentation here
  • Dr Dorte Thorsen, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies. Read her presentation here

About the Ghana Hub

This webinar is the first in a series co-hosted by IDS, the University of Ghana and the University for Development Studies through the Ghana Hub. These webinars will convene leading experts to share latest research and ideas on themes shaping development in Ghana and West Africa. The aim is to bring together the Ghana Hub partners on a global platform, facilitating knowledge exchange and learning across disciplines and geographies that will contribute towards generating further research agendas and policy recommendations. The events will be suitable for academics, policy-makers, and practitioners with an interest in Ghana’s development trajectory. 

This webinar is hosted by the Ghana Hub, a partnership between the Institute of Development Studies, the University for Development Studies, and the University of Ghana.  The Ghana Hub is part of the IDS International Initiatives, a global network that provide focus in a country at the leading edge of development thinking and practice due to accelerating environmental, economic, pollical and social change. It recognises that tackling challenges such as climate change, poverty and injustice requires knowledge sharing, mutual learning and collaboration inclusive of diverse perspectives within Ghana and globally. For more information contact Imogen Bellwood Howard or John Thompson, the Ghana Hub co-convenors. 


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