
2SCALE: Incubating and Accelerating Inclusive Agribusiness in Africa Phase 2

IDS is collaborating with the Partnership Resource Centre (PrC) in the Netherlands to evaluate scaling processes in inclusive business development. PrC is a strategic partner of 2SCALE – an incubator program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which manages a portfolio of public-private partnerships (PPPs) for inclusive business in agri-food sectors.

2SCALE offers a range of support services to SMEs and farmer groups, and partners, enabling them to produce, transform and supply quality food products. These products go to local and regional markets, including to base of the pyramid consumers. 2SCALE is active in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, and South Sudan. Within the 2SCALE program, PrC provides strategic support through action-research and knowledge brokering. The PrC leads the design and implementation of the M&E system and asked IDS to backstop them in this endeavour.

Key contacts


In partnership with
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

About this project

