
World Water Day 2022 – Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible

Published on 1 January 2022

The theme for World Water Day 2022 is ‘Groundwater – Making the Invisible Visible’. Groundwater is water found underground in aquifers – geological formations of rocks, sands and gravels, that hold substantial quantities of water.

Groundwater feeds springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands, and seeps into oceans. 80 percent of the world’s food depends on groundwater. It is recharged mainly from rain and snowfall infiltrating the ground, and can be extracted to the surface by pumps and wells.

In this K4D Briefing Note you will find:

  • Information on ‘Groundwater’- the theme for world water day;
  • the UK’s Water action at COP26;
  • programme activities around water and climate, water governance and finance, and gender;
  • the UK’s well developed water ‘offer’, that together, can help reach the goal of global water security.

Cite this publication

Ozano, K.; Roby, A.; MacDonald, A. et al (2022) Groundwater: Making the invisible visible, K4D Learning Journey on Water Security Briefing Note, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2022.022


Kim Ozano

Research Associate at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

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