
IDS Bulletin 54.2

Knowledge in Times of Crisis: Transforming Research-to-Policy Approaches

Published on 19 October 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in unprecedented challenges for researchers and policy analysts, and accentuated the need for access to civil society and advocacy movements within politically closed spaces. The impact of locally led Covid-19 response research in the global South has subsequently raised questions about traditional research methods that often prioritise academic rigour over practical relevance and result in research disconnected from the realities of people’s lives.

A photo of a group of men in Kantamanto market in Accra, Ghana, which is selling second-hand clothing and shoes.
© Andrew Esiebo/Panos Pictures

This issue of the IDS Bulletin presents learning gathered from rapidly mobilised Southern-led research by institutions who designed and delivered research aimed at influencing the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The articles here are drawn from the Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) programme, a rapid research initiative funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) created to understand the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic in order to generate better policy for recovery.

The IDS Bulletin explores the particular characteristics of Southern research organisations that were able to mobilise quickly. It discusses the types of knowledge that were needed in these unique circumstances, and how organisations mobilised knowledge in an emergency to facilitate engagement and influence response to a global challenge with local implications.

The examples here demonstrate how researchers have developed new skills to present research findings in accessible ways for different audiences. The explicit use of digital technologies, for instance, has allowed researchers to facilitate collaboration across geographic boundaries and engage diverse stakeholders.

This all highlights how essential locally led research is for pandemic response and for development more broadly. There is also acknowledgement that how organisations responded to the pandemic may have a longer-term impact on the future of those organisations themselves.

Articles (open access)

Introduction: Lessons for Locally Driven Research Responses to Emergencies
Andrea Ordóñez Llanos and James Georgalakis

Introducción: Lecciones para la investigación sobre respuestas a emergencias impulsada a nivel local
Andrea Ordóñez Llanos and James Georgalakis

Introduction : Leçons issues des recherches menées localement en réponse aux situations d’urgence
Andrea Ordóñez Llanos and James Georgalakis

Co-Modelling for Relief and Recovery from the Covid-19 Crisis in Zimbabwe
Ramos E. Mabugu, Hélène Maisonnave, Martin Henseler, Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu and Albert Makochekanwa

Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crucial Arms for Struggle
Ana Carolina Ogando

Policy Influence in Crisis: Reflections from a Southern Thinktank
Helani Galpaya, Gayani Hurulle and David Gunawardana

Lessons Learned from Mobilising Research for Impact During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Benghong Siela Bossba

Arab Region Social Protection Systems: Research and Policy Design Challenges
Farah Al Shami

نظم الحماية االجتماعية في المنطقة العربية: التحديات أمام إجراء البحوث وسن السياسات
Farah Al Shami

Humanitarian vs Pandemic Responses: Vulnerable Groups among Rohingyas in Bangladesh
Sameen Nasar, Bachera Aktar, Muhammad Riaz Hossain and Sabina Faiz Rashid

Resilience in the Time of a Pandemic: Developing Public Policies for Ollas Comunes in Peru
Ricardo Fort and Lorena Alcázar

Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: generando políticas públicas para las ollas comunes en Perú
Ricardo Fort and Lorena Alcázar

(Re-)Thinking a Collaborative Research Model After Covid-19: Introducing
Jennifer Cyr, Matías Bianchi, Ignacio F. Lara and Florencia Coda

(Re)pensar un modelo de investigación colaborativa después del Covid-19: presentación de Colabora.Lat
Jennifer Cyr, Matías Bianchi, Ignacio F. Lara and Florencia Coda

Read the full issue

Launch webinar

The editors and authors will be speaking about this issue at the launch webinar: Mobilising knowledge in emergencies with care and intent on the 23 November. Register here.

Cite this publication

Ordóñez Llanos, A. and Georgalakis, J. (eds) (2023) ‘Knowledge in Times of Crisis: Transforming Research-to-Policy Approaches’, IDS Bulletin 54.2, DOI: 10.19088/1968-2023.126


Andrea Ordóñez Llanos

Executive Director of Southern Voice

James Georgalakis

Director of Evidence and Impact


Supported by

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0265 5012
English, French, Spanish


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