
Emeritus Fellows & Honorary Associates

Honorary Associates

Andrew Shepherd

Director, Chronic Poverty Advisory Network; Honorary Associate

Cyril Brandt

Honorary Associate

Edward Jackson

Honorary Associate

James Keeley

Honorary Associate

Jody Harris

Honorary Associate

Juliet Millican

Honorary Associate

Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Lewis Sida

Honorary Associate and Co-Director of the Humanitarian Learning Centre

Lizbeth Navas-Aleman

Honorary Associate

Marzia Fontana

Research Associate

Neil McCulloch

Honorary Associate

Pedro Prieto Martín

Honorary Associate

Rob D. van den Berg

Honorary Associate

Stephen Gelb

Honorary Associate

Susie Jolly

Honorary Associate

Emeritus Fellows

Anne Marie Goetz

Emeritus Fellow

Fiona Wilson

Emeritus Fellow

Henry Lucas

Research Fellow

Hilary Standing

Emeritus Fellow

Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Emeritus Fellow

Jethro Pettit

Emeritus Fellow

Melissa Leach

Emeritus Fellow

Naila Kabeer

Emeritus Fellow

Raphael Kaplinsky

Emeritus Fellow

Richard Crook

Emeritus Fellow

Robin Luckham

Emeritus Fellow

Rosalind Eyben

Emeritus Fellow

Simon Maxwell

Emeritus Fellow

Terry Cannon

Emeritus Fellow