Past Event


Democracy in danger: The rise of illegitimate authority

5 December 2013 17:15–18:30

Jubilee 144, Jubilee Building, University of Sussex

Transnational corporations have an unbalanced influence on global and domestic politics, and are dangerous to democracy. Susan George will talk about her new book How to Win the Class War and show how and why the rich and powerful of the North continue to win the class war.

About the speaker

Susan George is the author of sixteen books and a variety of articles, including Debt, austerity, devastation: it’s Europe’s turn published July 2013, written in both French and English and widely translated. Her latest book, How to Win the Class War: The Lugano Report II, has been published this year by Transnational Institute (TNI) and is the sequel to On Preserving Capitalism in the 21st Century: The Lugano I, released in 1999.

She is President of the Board for TNI in Amsterdam, a decentralised fellowship of scholars living throughout the world whose work is intended to contribute to social justice. She is Honorary President of ATTAC-France (Association for Taxation of Financial Transaction to Aid Citizens) where she also served as vice-president between 1999 and mid-2006 and remains a member of the scientific council.

From 1990-95 she served on the Board of Greenpeace International as well as that of Greenpeace France. Her current work concerns various aspects of neoliberal globalisation and ideology as well as the multiple, on-going crises that began in 2007-2008, particularly their impact in Europe. Born in the United States, Dr George lives in Paris and is a French citizen. A widow since 2002, she has three children and four grand-children.

Key contacts

Hannah Corbett

Head of Communications and Engagement

+44 (0)1273 915640


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