Past Event

Our Relationship with Nature

26 May 2021 9:00


This introductory session to the K4D Learning Journey on International Nature introduced the interrelationship/integration between biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, human activity, and climate change. It highlighted how human activity is driving ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss in combination with climate change, as well as the relationship between biodiversity and climate change and how the dynamics of each are mutually reinforcing.

The session made the case that to take action on climate change, biodiversity and poverty reduction, we need to protect, conserve and restore Nature, drawing on key arguments around the urgency and scale of the problem. It defined Nature interventions, which include Nature-based Solutions.

The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme (K4D) supports the use of learning and evidence to improve the impact of development policy and programmes. It is funded by UK aid and is designed to assist the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and other UK government departments and partners to be innovative and responsive to rapidly changing and complex development challenges.

Zac Goldsmith: The Importance of Nature

In this video, Lord Goldsmith, Minister for Pacific and the Environment at FCDO and Defra, outlines the importance of including nature in the UK government’s approach to tackling climate change.

Nature-based Solutions – Professor Nathalie Seddon

In this video, Professor Nathalie Seddon, University of Oxford, outlines what Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are, their potential role in climate change adaptation and mitigation, and how to implement robust, sustainable and ethical NbS in policy and practice.

Costa Rica PES case study – Ina Porris

In this video, Dr Ina Porras, Economics, Climate and Environment Adviser, FCDO, presents the case study of Costa Rica as an example of a country that has been able to start reversing the effects of extensive forest clearing through the introduction of PES (Payments for Ecosystems Services).

Learning objectives

Attendees should, following the session:

  • Have a deeper understanding of the importance of nature.
  • Have greater awareness of the drivers of nature loss and the scale and urgency of the problem.
  • Have greater awareness of how nature can help reverse declines in biodiversity and climate and support poverty reduction, as well as deliver co-benefits.
  • Be comfortable engaging with host country on nature.
  • Be clear on key terminology.

Essential study materials

The four specific sources listed here are required reading before this session and should take no more than 1 hour.

  1. Dasgupta, P. (2021). The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review. (London: HM Treasury). Headline messages, pages 1-6:
  2. Seddon, N., Chausson, A., Berry, P., Girardin, C.A.J., Smith, A. & Turner, B. (2020). Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375.1794,, Abstract and Section 1.
  3. Kapos, V., Wicander, S., Salvaterra, T., Dawkins, K., Hicks, C. (2019). The Role of the Natural Environment in Adaptation. Background Paper for the Global Commission on Adaptation. Rotterdam and Washington, D.C.: Global Commission on Adaptation. Pages 1-7
  4. Porras, I., Barton, D.N, Miranda, M. and Chacón-Cascante, A. (2013). Learning from 20 years of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Costa Rica. International Institute for Environment and Development, London., pages 62-66

Optional study materials

Written sources

Chausson, A, Turner, B, Seddon, D, et al. (2020). Mapping the effectiveness of Nature‐based Solutions for climate change adaptation. Global Change Biology, 26, pp. 6134– 6155.

Nature-Based Solutions Initiative. (2021). Getting the message right on nature-based solutions. News Item.

Roe, D., Seddon, N. & Elliot, J. (2019). Biodiversity loss, development crisis? Briefing. IIED.

Seddon, N., Daniels, E., Davis, R., Chausson, A., Harris, R., Hou-Jones, X. et al. (2020). Global recognition of the importance of nature-based solutions to the impacts of climate change. Global Sustainability, 3, E15. doi:10.1017/sus.2020.8


The Royal Society (2021). The economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review.  Video featuring the Prince of Wales, Sir David Attenborough, Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta and Sir Venki Ramakrishnan to mark the publication of The economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review.

Attenborough, David. (2020). A life on our planet. WWF. Available on Netflix.

Nature-Based Solutions Initiative. (2018). What are nature-based solutions to climate change? 5 minute video:

Key contacts

Louise Oakley

Research and Learning Programme Manager

Paul Knipe

Director of Consultancy, Impact and Influence, Itad


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