Past Event

Revolutions in Rojava and Beyond: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations

3 November 2016 16:00–20:00

Brighton Dome Studio Theatre
New Road

An evening of film screenings and talks on the extraordinary democratic transformations taking place in Rojava, Western Syria.

In the region, citizens are experimenting with ‘democratic confederalism’ and ideas from feminism and ecology as part of an ambitious project of radical democracy and social justice.

At this event, we’ll be screening several short activist-produced films, followed by a panel discussion with key speakers with knowledge and experience drawn from the region.


  • Janet Biehl
  • Ercan Ayboga
  • Dilar Dirik

Entry is free. For more information and to book a place, see the Eventbrite page.


About this workshop

This event is part of the ESRC STEPS Centre’s ‘Transformations’ events series exploring what we can learn from rapid transitions and transformations in different cultures, times and places.

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