Past Event

Unleashing the Transformative Potential of the Agenda 2030 Through Participatory Approaches

9 July 2019 18:00–20:00

UN Church Center UN Church Center, 2nd floor

Followed by drinks reception at 8 pm

Directly contributing to the discussions around the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019 theme “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”, this side event invites the audience to revisit the connections between Goal 1 (“End poverty in all its forms everywhere”), Goal 16 on peaceful and inclusive societies, Goal 10 on inequality, and Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth.

The side event is co-hosted by ATD Fourth World, Institute of Development Studies, Institut de recherche pour le développement and University of Oxford.

It will look at how participation can be a transformative tool for people not only to become active agents of their own lives but also to imagine a more inclusive society where all people can fully realize their rights of citizenship, better inform and participate in public policies, understand and take action regarding the various dimensions of sustainable development, and contribute to the greater good.

Through informative panels and breakout groups, this event aims at starting the conversation around how innovative and participatory processes and tools can effectively inform policymaking and break the vicious circle of poverty and social exclusion.

RSVP by July 8th, 2019 on:


  • Paul Ladd, Director of the UN Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD)

Opening Remarks:

  • Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support

Key Note Speakers:

  • Mireille Razafindrakoto, Research Director in Economy and Statistics, Institut de recherche pour le développement. SDG16 – Unlocking the 2030 Agenda and Cultivating Civic Participation
  • Alexie Gasengayire, ATD Fourth World Tanzania. Conditions of Participation (process)
  • Prof. Robert Walker, professor emeritus, University of Oxford. Participatory research: learning from the “Hidden Dimensions of Poverty” project
  • Kimberly Tyre, activist with a direct experience of poverty, ATD Fourth World USA (tbc). Transformation Through Participation
  • Erika Franco Lopez, Researcher at the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change team, Institute of Development Studies, UK. Participatory Research: From Intersecting Inequalities to Accountable Relationships


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