
Podcasts for your staycation

Published on 10 September 2020

We have pulled together a selection of fascinating podcasts for you to listen to on your ‘staycation’.

Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now – Guy Standing

IDS’ Phil Mader speaks with Guy Standing who identifies ‘Eight giants’  as key global challenges, proposing a basic income (AKA Universal Basic Income) for more secure and productive societies, able to deal better with shocks and crises.

Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights – Helen Lewis – Between the Lines podcast

In looking at the history of feminism and stories of rebel women, details are too often whitewashed or forgotten in our modern search for feel-good, inspirational heroines. Helen Lewis reclaims the history of feminism as a history of difficult women, in her new book ‘Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights’.

Head of Knowledge, Impact and Policy, Kelly Shephard, speaks with author and journalist, Helen Lewis.

Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter – Between the Lines podcast

Uprootedness, exile and forced displacement, be it due to conflict, natural disasters or even so-called ‘development’, affects the lives of millions of people across the globe. The numbers of people affected are increasing, as shocks and crises force people to flee their homes and find safe places to live.

Jaideep Gupte speaks with Lyla Mehta from IDS and Katarzyna Grabska from PRIO and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, about their co-edited book ‘Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter’.

Mariana Mazzucato on New Economic Approaches – The RSA podcast

The COVID-19 crisis is a major wake up call to why we must build more inclusive, sustainable and resilient economies. And why it cannot wait.

Marianna Mazzucato speaks with Matthew Taylor about the momentum for change in the wake of Covid-19 and how we can deploy collective capabilities and capacities to transform our economies and societies.

RSA Events · Mariana Mazzucato on New Economic Approaches

The Social Dynamics of Pandemics –  Between the Lines podcast

Covid-19 is impacting people in many and varied ways. The effects on all our lives are immense and diverse, from rural and urban communities, young and old, from different geographic and economic groups, we are each living with different realities of a global crisis.

Melissa Leach, Hayley MacGregor, Annie Wilkinson and Ian Scoones discuss how we should learn from past epidemics and outbreaks and the need to understand social dynamics in order to respond to Covid-19.

Threshold Conversations | Drew Lanham – Threshold podcast

Conversation with Dr. J. Drew Lanham, a distinguished professor of wildlife ecology, author, poet, and birder.

How is social justice inseparable from environmental justice? How does his favorite bird relate to the experience of being Black in America? And what experiences led him to write 9 Rules for the Black Birdwatcher?


Science, Policy & Pandemics – Centre for Science and Policy podcast

Dr Rob Doubleday from the Centre for Science and Policy at Cambridge University and guests explore the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on food security, the economy and health systems in India. The episode was produced in partnership with TIGR2ESS – Transforming India’s Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies.

The Political Economy of the Welfare State in the Middle East and North Africa – Between the Lines podcast

At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has raised issues of welfare regimes higher up the global agenda, author Ferdinand Eibl discusses his book, Social Dictatorships: The Political Economy of the Welfare State in the Middle East and North Africa.

Max Gallien speaks with author Ferdinand Eibl about his book, Social Dictatorships: The Political Economy of the Welfare State in the Middle East and North Africa.

Putting plastic back on the agenda – New Scientist podcast

With the threat of coronavirus taking centre stage in all our minds, has the issue of plastic waste taken a backseat – has the public lost interest?

New Scientist journalists Valerie Jamieson, Graham Lawton and Adam Vaughan discuss a new study exploring ways to fix our ever-increasing problem of plastic pollution, which is being especially compounded by many of the world’s new hygiene measures and the dumping of thousands of tonnes of PPE.

One World and COVID-19 – Solidarity Is This podcast

“People are tired. Fatigue around social justice issues means we really need to inject hope and joy into the work of activism, to imagine what our world could be like coming out of Covid-19“.

In this podcast episode, learn about the ways in which activists in South Africa and Northern Ireland are addressing the inequities laid bare by the pandemic. Deepa Iyer is in conversation with Phumeza Lungwana and Nicola Browne.

The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion – Between the Lines podcast

One of the most-discussed digital financial inclusion projects, M-Pesa facilitates the transfer of money and access to formal financial services via the mobile phone infrastructure and has grown at a phenomenal rate since its launch in 2007.

Tony Roberts speaks with Serena Natile about her book, The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion.

Dignity and Stigma in Social Protection – Development Pathways podcast

This discussion focuses on negative narratives and storytelling around the perceptions of poverty. How do these narratives impact social policy advice and implementation in country?

Alexandra Barrantes, Senior Social Protection Specialist at Development Pathways, and Rasmus Schjoedt, a Social Policy Specialist and Development Pathways’ Senior Associate.

Development Pathways · Dignity and Stigma in Social Protection

Decolonizing global health and development – FHI 360 podcast

At a time when people are rising up against systemic racism, this episode examines the need for development practitioners to recognize their position of privilege and lean out to create space for new ideas, grassroots initiatives and, ultimately, a more equitable world.

The three co-founders of the Duke Decolonizing Global Health working group at Duke University – Laura Mkumba, Yadu Raveendran and Andrea Koris – discuss the lasting influences of colonialism on the current development system, the inequitable effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of bringing cultural context into perspective in global development work.

FHI 360 · Decolonizing global health and development

Shared vulnerabilities? Connecting climate and health in cities – IIED podcast

In this episode of ‘Make Change Happen’, the guests discuss the similarities between public health crises, like the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impacts of climate change on urban settings in the global South. One significant element in common: both have devastating human consequences.

Hosted by Anna Walnycki, senior researcher in the Human Settlements group of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the discussion features principal researcher Aditya Bahadur, climate change researcher Sarah McIvor, both also of IIED; and Annie Wilkinson, an anthropologist and health systems researcher at IDS.

IIED · 7. Shared vulnerabilities? Connecting climate and health in cities



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