
Alistair Scott

Alistair Scott

Knowledge Officer

I work in many aspects of Knowledge Mobilisation, including the use of social media to track research uptake, managing knowledge programmes, supporting innovation, producing how-to guides and developing elearning programmes.

I recently developed TwitterWeave, a free web app designed to help researchers track how Twitter users engage with their research. My background is in NGO campaigning, multimedia software design and e-learning software.

Before joining IDS I worked as an ergonomist, a research fellow in the Open University Institute of Educational Technology, a Campaigns Officer for Oxfam, and Technology Officer and Trainer for OneWorld.Net.

I have a PhD in Human-Computer Interface Design.

Follow me on Twitter @Al_Scott_Twitt



Human Development Innovation Fund

The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) identifies and supports innovations that have the potential to create social impact in education, health and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) across Tanzania.


Open Access for Development

IDS Knowledge Services is developing resources for exploring and testing different options for providing Open Access to development research.


Student Opinion

So you want a job in international development?

For the last 12 years, Alistair Scott, who works in our Knowledge Impact and Policy Cluster, has been running a workshop for IDS students on How to Get Jobs in International Development. Here he shares his top tips. I must make a confession. I really struggled to land my first job in...

29 August 2023



Tracking Research and Policy Conversations in Online Spaces

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is engaged in a major four-year programme entitled Strengthening Evidence-based Policy, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Central to this programme is the production and communication of policy-relevant research findings.

9 March 2015

Alistair Scott’s recent work