
Brigitte Rohwerder

Brigitte Rohwerder

Research Officer

Brigitte Rohwerder is a Research Officer in the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change research cluster. Her current work mainly focuses on themes of social justice and inclusion, particularly disability inclusion in low-income contexts, using participatory methods. Her research interests include disability stigma, forced displacement, and marginalised groups’ experiences of conflict, crises and humanitarian response.

Her work at IDS has included the BASIC (Better Social Assistance in Crises) programme, where she is working on a participatory research project looking at marginalised peoples’ experiences around accessing social assistance in crises settings in northern Uganda and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Disability Inclusive Development programme, where her focus has been on supporting a participatory research project looking at experiences of children with disabilities of pre-primary education in Kenya, as well as providing situational overviews of disability in several different countries. In the Inclusion Works programme, she worked on people with disabilities experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, people with disabilities experiences of inclusive employment, and co-facilitating participatory methods workshops in Kenya and Uganda. She did additional work on the effects of the pandemic through PARDAN (focused on adolescents with disabilities in Nepal) and the Covid Collective (focused mainly on forcibly displaced persons). She has worked for K4D (Knowledge and Evidence for Development) and the GSDRC helpdesks on disability inclusion, humanitarian response, conflict, governance, and social development issues, providing support to FCDO (previously DFID), DFAT and EC advisors. She has also worked with the Humanitarian Learning Centre and on the Balancing unpaid care work and paid work project.

Previously, she worked as a researcher for the Post-War Reconstruction and Development Unit (PRDU) on evaluations for DFID, UNICEF and the Government of Afghanistan related to education, refugee return, disaster preparation and response. She has a Masters in Post-War Recovery Studies from the University of York and a Masters (Hons) in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews, as well as a post graduate certificate in Disability Studies: Inclusive Theory and Research (MSc) from the University of Bristol.

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Participatory Action Research with Disabled Adolescents in Nepal (PARDAN)

Intersecting vulnerabilities of disability, low socio-economic status, marginalisation and age indicate that children and young people with disabilities are likely to be uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Yet, there has been limited research from low-and middle-income countries...


Better Assistance in Crises (BASIC) Research

The intersection of protracted conflict and displacement with recurring climate shocks, alongside the shifting nature of humanitarian responses, presents multiple challenges for how to provide social assistance more effectively in protracted crises. BASIC (Better Assistance in Crises) Research...


K4D Prosperity Fund COVID-19 Evidence and Learning Initiative

This Evidence and Learning Initiative was a cooperation with the Prosperity Fund (PF). It helped to ensure that in the current context of COVID-19, changes to the existing PF portfolio (and investments in new ones) are informed by and contribute to the evidence base on how the pandemic is...


K4D Learning Products

K4D produces a variety of Learning Products to support and enhance learning and update alongside the Helpdesk Reports. The majority of these are commissioned through Learning Journeys although some are to support individual events such as professional development conferences, or...



Risking sexual exploitation and abuse to get food

The climate emergency is contributing to an unprecedented 828 million hungry people across the world, along with Covid-19, conflict and rising costs. As a result, many are reliant on urgent humanitarian food assistance to try and alleviate their hunger. Women and girls are deeply affected, with...

19 August 2022



WFP’s support to strengthening the national social protection system in Mauritania

This case study reviews the World Food Programme’s (WFP) support to social protection in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania since the launch of its 2019–2023 Country Strategic Plan.

Manucheher Shafee

30 August 2024

Working Paper

Towards Inclusive Social Assistance for Marginalised People in the KRI

BASIC Research Working Paper 29

Intersecting inequalities exacerbate the negative impacts of crises on marginalised people’s lives. Yet there is a gap in knowledge about the layered effects of marginalisation and protracted crises, what this means for how those with pressing needs cope and access social assistance in...

Jackie Shaw
Jackie Shaw & 2 others

21 August 2024


Inclusive Social Assistance for Marginalised People in the KRI

BASIC Research Policy Briefing 3

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) has experienced conflicts, displacement, socioeconomic shocks, and climate change effects. Marginalised people, especially those facing intersecting inequalities, are disproportionately affected. Many face unemployment, poverty, and limited health care access....

Jackie Shaw
Jackie Shaw & 2 others

21 August 2024

Brigitte Rohwerder’s recent work