
Keo Bunthea



The Impact of Covid-19 Response Policies on Vulnerable Migrant Workers and Victims of Trafficking in Cambodia

To date, the Government of Cambodia has issued at least 2,216 policies in response to Covid-19. These have largely been directed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 within Cambodia, with clear attempts to mitigate the burden on economically- and socially-vulnerable groups. This study...

Keo Bunthea & 2 others

28 June 2022


Cambodia’s Covid-19 Response and Migrant Workers (accessible version)

IDS Policy Briefing 193

This briefing examines Cambodia’s Covid-19 response to highlight how knock-on effects have disproportionately impacted vulnerable migrants and informal domestic workers, including human-trafficking survivors.

Keo Bunthea & 3 others

17 May 2022


Cambodia’s Covid-19 Response and Migrant Workers

IDS Policy Briefing 193

This briefing examines Cambodia’s Covid-19 response to highlight how knock-on effects have disproportionately impacted vulnerable migrants and informal domestic workers, including human-trafficking survivors.

Keo Bunthea & 3 others

12 April 2022