
Shreya Jose Maliakal

Shreya Jose Maliakal

Research Officer

Shreya is a research officer with the Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4DD) programme, specialising in Developmental Economics and Privatisation. As a research officer in this field, she is interested in how governance influences the outcomes of developmental initiatives and privatisation efforts by examining policies, programmes, regulations and institutional frameworks that shape economic development and the privatisation process.

Her research expertise lies in the analysis of current transformations in the socio-economic system, specifically, the rise of new forms of financial activity, new varieties of money, new spheres of economic activity and their challenges, thereof. Promoting regulatory harmonisation, she has worked on governance, risk and policy formulation in the space of animal protection laws, coal mining and land acts (India), microfinance schemes (Bangladesh), SEZ policies on exchange of money and assets (US) and global country-wise policies on exchange of alternate money forms (China, US, India).

Prior to joining K4DD as an RO, Shreya worked as part of the partnerships team at Charter Cities Institute (CCI) which involved carrying out legal gap policy analysis of SEZ in Zimbabwe, Zanzibar, and the Philippines and creating policy briefs for various stakeholders. At CCI her research focused on charter cities and better governance can respond to the International Migration Crisis and for poverty eradication. She also worked as a freelance research assistant carrying out policy analysis on the Economic Empowerment Programme for Syrian Refugees in Jordan and the BOTNAR programme (a mental health initiative for adolescents) in Vietnam and Tanzania.

Shreya Jose Maliakal’s recent work