
Hubert Schmitz

Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Professor Hubert Schmitz is a development economist with 40 years of experience in research, teaching and advisory work. His areas of specialisation are sustainable industrialisation, the politics of investment and growth, and the political economy of green transformations.

He is Emeritus Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies and adviser to bilateral and multilateral development agencies. He has published widely in academic journals and is known for succinct synthesis of policy research. He has a long track record in managing international research teams and integrating competences across disciplines. His recent research concentrates on two questions: how the global power shift affects low carbon transformations and who drives climate-relevant policies.



Transformative Alliances

Our work looks at the role of public-private-civic alliances as drivers of the green transformation, in particular at the role of business in such alignments.


Rent Management: the Heart of Green Industrial Policy

At the heart of green industrial policy is rent management: government creating and withdrawing opportunities for highly profitable investment. This project asks what the key factors are for rent management to succeed.


Global Power Shift and Low Carbon Transformation

Two transformations are likely to dominate the first half of the twenty-first century. One is the shift in economic power from the West (North America and Western Europe) to the East (China and the East Asian production system). The second is the transition from a high to low carbon economy.
