
Accelerating progress in reducing hunger and undernutrition programme

start date

3 March 2014

end date

4 December 2017

Progress in reducing food insecurity, hunger and undernutrition was a vital part of the Millennium Development Goals, yet in some cases has slowed down or been reversed in the wake of food price spikes and the global economic downturn.

Led by Dolf te Lintelo, this DFID supported four-year programme developed:

  1. Evidence-based policy options that enhanced linkages between agriculture and nutrition, in particular, to support agricultural value chains that work for poor people and are sensitive to their nutrition requirements.
  2. Real-time monitoring methods using SMS technology for rapid and reliable assessment of hunger and nutrition statuses, enabling timely policy interventions.
  3. Innovative metrics to monitor governments’ political commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition. This work developed a Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index, which is further supported by Irish Aid.

The programme enabled policymakers to support greater private sector investment, respond more quickly to hunger crises and facilitate civil society to more effectively monitor national and international commitments on undernutrition and hunger reduction and keep governments to account for delivering on these.


Recent work


Multi-level Advocacy for Nutrition

IDS Evidence Report 211

Over the past decade, nutrition has received strong global attention as a development problem. Concerted efforts by international donors, philanthropical foundations, national and international non-government organisations and civil society have pushed nutrition further up global and national...

22 November 2016


How Can We Use Markets to Reach the Poor With Nutritious Foods?

IDS Policy Briefing 116

To effectively reach poor people, nutritious food must be affordable, available in the market, safe, and must contain the nutrients which it claims to have. Ensuring that nutritious food can reach the most vulnerable cannot be addressed by an individual business or value chain, but rather must...

23 May 2016


Assessing the Policy Impact of ‘Indicators’: A Process-Tracing Study of the Hunger And Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI)

IDS Evidence Report 185

In recent years, the global literature on reducing hunger and malnutrition has come to view progress as much an outcome of a political process as of (nutrition) technical interventions. Political commitment is now seen as an essential ingredient for bringing food and nutrition security higher up...

4 April 2016