
African Farmer Game

African Farmer is a free, open source game that simulates the complex decisions and uncertainties faced by small-scale farmers living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The premise of the game is to put the player into the mind-set of an African farmer in a small village and to reflect on the insecurity farmers in Africa can face. Confronted with a series of challenges, such as changeable weather, crop pests and diseases and managing labour demands, the player must respond to these risks and uncertainties and make difficult decisions which can affect their household’s welfare and livelihoods. 

The game, can be played as a single user or as a group and encourages students looking to be become future policy makers/researchers, to use the game as an interactive learning tool.

More information on the African Farmer Game can be found on the website here:

Find out more about the game from the African Farmer Game blog
