
Civic Freedoms, Peace and Sustainable Development

The overall objective of this research is to document the effect of civic freedoms on equitable, peaceful and sustainable development, particularly in the longer term. The specific objectives are the following:

• Document the effects of shrinking civil society space on society, development and the enabling environment for the (local) private sector and how external investors can cooperate with them (interpreted as the potential economic impact of shrinking space).

• Develop recommendations for different constituencies (international donors, governments, civil society, private sector, international organisations etc) on the basis of a) the documented value of these freedoms in a sustainable development agenda and b) how these freedoms can best be promoted in the current international political environment.

Country case studies will be undertaken in Brazil, Cambodia, Nepal and Zimbabwe.

Project details

start date
1 August 2017
end date
30 November 2018


In partnership with
Act Alliance
Supported by

About this project

Programmes and centres
Brazil IDS Initiative