
Democratisation, Decentralisation, Local Governance: IDS-SDC Collaboration

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) Democratisation, Decentralisation and Local Governance Network (DDLGN) is a platform of about 220 SDC staff, implementing partners and affiliates working on local governance, decentralisation, and democratisation around the world. This project follows on from two successful phases of cooperation between IDS and DDLGN through the projects ‘The Governance of Service Delivery’ and ‘Innovative Ways in Supporting Decentralised and Democratic Local Governance’.

The aim of this third phase of cooperation between IDS and SDC is to provide resesarch support, share learning and collaborate on policy engagement in priority areas of decentralised and democratic local governance, such as:

  • Parliamentary support, political parties and elections
  • Fiscal decentralisation and Public financial management
  • Women’s political empowerment
  • Independent media
  • Conflict and fragility
  • Social inclusion
  • Anticorruption
  • Political economy and power analysis tools and methodologies

Recent work


Adaptive Management in SDC: Challenges and Opportunities

Adaptive management (AM) is a programme management approach that helps international development organisations to become more learning-oriented and more effective in addressing complex development challenges. AM practices have been applied for decades within other sectors as varied as...

17 February 2020


Donor Responses and Tools for Responding to Shrinking Space for Civil Society: a Desk Study

This report summarises and analyses donor responses to the closure of civic space around the world. It is part of a wider effort within the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to enable joint learning to support SDC offices in dealing with the growing challenges they encounter in...

Nalini Khurana

17 February 2020


Political Economy Analysis of Local Economic Development in Serbia

Local Economic Development (LED) has gained renewed interest within SDC and beyond. In particular, there has been greater recognition of the importance and role of a functioning local government system in implementing successful local economic development interventions that can generate...

Žikić, Marija

31 July 2019