
Evidence on Demand

Evidence on Demand is an international development information hub, providing access to quality assured resources relating to climate & environment, infrastructure and livelihoods. The service has been established to provide a wealth of relevant documents, learning resources and technical expertise to help those on the front line of poverty reduction make evidence-based decisions, while also informing the wider development community.

Effective policy and practice starts with solid evidence and in the website provides evidence in climate and environment, infrastructure and livelihood issue. The Document Library hosts a wide range of reports, topic guides and learning materials.

IDS Knowledge Services Sandra Baxter works with partner organisations and the expert team behind Evidence on Demand, led by HTSPE Ltd and IMC Worldwide Ltd in a joint venture – both firms are established development consultancies with considerable experience in managing resource centres. The joint venture is backed by a Core Consortium of specialist organisations that provides technical support for developing our quality assured resources, answering helpdesk enquiries and supporting our consultancy services. Further support is provided by a Wider Consortium of firms, networks and individuals which will grow overtime.