
Global Uncertainties: Security in an Africa of Networked, Multi-Level Governance

How individuals, communities and nation states form their ideas and beliefs about security and insecurity will form the basis of this project, one of 14 fellowships funded by the ESRC/ AHRC as part of the wider RCUK Global Uncertainties Programme.

The programme is built on the observation that all governance (especially in Africa) is multi-levelled and networked – from the village to the international organisation, and well beyond what is specified in formal government structures.

The objective of the research is the identification of institutional strategies for recovering the multiple aspects of human securityin countries that have been fractured by violent conflict.

Programme Researchers

  • David K. Leonard (director)
  • Jeremy Allouche
  • Niagale Bagayoko-Penone
  • Peter Houtzager
  • Sidibe Kalilou
  • Freida M’Cormack
  • Ferdinand Mugumo Mushi
  • Thierry Nlandu
  • Mohamed Samantar
  • Anna Schmidt
  • James Vincent
  • Patrick Zadi Zad 

Focus countries

Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Somalia (Somaliland and Puntland).

Key Questions the programme seeks to answer

  1. How do conflict management institutions evolve under the stress of prolonged violent conflict and how can they best contribute to the recovery of human security? Institutions under consideration include elections, elected and traditional local government, local courts, the police, and the armed services.
  2. What are the networks of relationships withinand between states, communities, NGOs, international organisations, and international donors for the management and resolution of intrastate conflictsand how might their effectiveness be improved?

Key contacts

Project details

start date
1 April 2009
end date
30 March 2012


In partnership with
Global Uncertainties

About this project


Recent work


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