
Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Programmes Framework (MQSUN)

MQSUN aims to provide the Department for International Development (DFID) with technical services to improve the quality of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive programmes. Services will be provided on a call down basis to DFID country offices over a period of four years.

Assignments which are drawn down from the Framework Agreement are funded centrally from DFID Policy Division programme resources.

What is MQSUN?

A new consortium of leading organisations working on nutrition has been established in order to assist with the urgent task of scaling up DFID nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programmes. The MQSUN project will play a key role by providing technical expertise on the design and implementation of effective programmes, drawing on the best available evidence. The Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Programmes Framework agreement guides this work, with the aim of harnessing the group’s specialist skills and capacity to maximise the quality and impact of the programmes being scaled up.

The project is resourced by a consortium that is made up of eight non-state organisations leading in the field of nutrition (listed below). They bring an unparalleled depth of internationally recognised expertise in nutrition, food security, social protection, agriculture, gender, governance and knowledge management with a wide geographical imprint. The group are committed to providing services in:

  • expanding the evidence base on the causes of undernutrition
  • enhancing skills and capacity to support scaling up of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programmes
  • providing the best guidance available to support programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  • increasing innovation in nutrition programmes
  • knowledge sharing to ensure that lessons are learned across IDS and beyond

Who is leading this activity?

  • PATH
  • Agribusiness Systems International (ASI)
  • Aga Khan University (AKU)
  • Health Partners International (HPI)
  • ICF International
  • Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
  • Save the Children (SCUK)

Key contacts

Nicholas Nisbett

Research Fellow; Co-founder, Food Equity Centre

+44 (0)1273 915839

Project details

start date
26 October 2012
end date
7 February 2016


Supported by

Recent work


Planning and Costing to Accelerate Actions for Scaling Up Nutrition

MQSUN Briefing 3

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement was launched in 2010 to reinvigorate efforts to address undernutrition globally. It brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to strengthen political commitments and improve accountability by providing a platform for collective action in which...

13 October 2014