
Negotiating Gender Equitable Change: Role of Informal Practices and Networks

What drives gender transformative policy change? How does the gendered nature of power, politics and institutions influence this process? The answers to these questions require a deep analysis of how informal institutions, broadly defined as informal rules, norms and practices, shape the prospects for gender equitable change.

This project aims to explore, how informal institutions, particularly women’s informal networks, influence the adoption of gender transformative policies in developing countries and what factors make these networks effective or limit their influence.

By exploring how informal practices shape the prospects for gender transformative policies, the research attempts to deepen understanding of how different groups of women attempt to secure elite co-operation and commitment to deliver on gender equity goals.

This is an Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID) project, based at the University of Manchester.

Project details

start date
1 October 2018
end date
1 August 2019


About this project
