
Principles for Delivering Adaptation Assistance

This year is critical for both agreeing how to raise the considerable additional international finance for climate change adaptation that is needed and for seeking consensus on the appropriate principles and mechanism for delivering scaled-up adaptation assistance. With this in mind, the project has two main objectives:

  • to ensure that the delivery of climate change adaptation assistance is better informed by relevant lessons from delivering development assistance.
  • to propose a set of principles for delivering adaptation assistance that draws on these lessons but also draws on written submissions of countries to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and those principles already enshrined in the Convention.

A workshop was held at DFID in October 2008 to discuss the project, which was attended by researchers, staff from DFID and DECC and leading NGO climate policy officers. Views collected from this workshop are helping to inform two outputs planned for this project: 

  • a briefing targeting climate change policy makers, and
  • a longer paper intended for a wider development and climate change audience

Project details

start date
8 September 2008
end date
10 May 2009


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