
Programme Partnership between Irish Aid and IDS on Hunger Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

What is the Partnership Programme? 

The Programme Partnership between Irish Aid and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) on Hunger Reduction and Climate Change Adaption brings together research and capacity development with policy, programmatic and influencing know-how to support action that more effectively reduces poverty and injustice.

Why is it important?

Four years on from Irish Aid’s landmark Hunger Task Force Report, hunger reduction remains an enormous challenge. This will become more difficult in the context of resource scarcity, climate change, and an increased demand for food in the emerging economies. Efforts to reduce hunger will need to become more aligned and intertwined with, and ultimately embedded within, efforts to improve the capacity of the poorest to adapt to a changing climate.

What is the intended impact?

To enable development efforts to be more effective, by bringing evidence and learning to policy and programmes. Mobilising what is understood globally and using it to influence the behaviour and practice of actors working in national and international contexts and to strengthen their capacity to utilise evidence.

How will it do it?

The programme supports the implementation of IDS’ strategy and builds on a platform of joint work with Irish Aid, including BRIDGE, the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI), field level lesson learning on social protection and the Capacity Collective. Working primarily in Irish Aid programme countries in Sub Saharan Africa, the programme focuses on identifying and generating different types of responses to the intertwined challenges of hunger and climate change.

Areas of work include:

  • New ways of mainstreaming gender in hunger reduction and climate adaptation policy and programmes.
  • Strengthen linkages between hunger reduction, climate adaptation and social protection programmes.
  • Whole system approaches to unlocking adaptive capacity in areas suffering from seemingly intractable problems.
  • New ways of assessing political commitment to reduce hunger and using such measures to support commitment building.
  • Support to knowledge intermediaries in Ethiopia and Malawi to increase the use of cross-cutting knowledge in hunger and climate change.

For further information about the Programme Partnership, please email Tom Barker. [email protected]

Key contacts

Project details

start date
1 November 2011
end date
30 September 2014


Supported by
Irish Aid

About this project

Recent work

Working Paper

Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility: Evidence from Two Communities in Pakistan

IDS Working Paper;449

This report contributes to the Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility project by examining the impact of food price volatility on poor and vulnerable households through qualitative research conducted in 2012 and 2013 at ‘listening posts’ in a rural and urban area of Pakistan.

22 September 2014


Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index – data by country

This series presents key data on government commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition in developing countries. Country scorecards detail government performance on reducing hunger and undernutrition in the areas of public spending, policies and laws the series is based on findings from the...

16 October 2013


Getting Unpaid Care onto Development Agendas

There is a large and robust literature on the quantity and importance of unpaid care work. Members of the IAFFE (International Association for Feminist Economics) have produced a substantial, highly credible body of evidence to the highest of standards.

14 January 2013