
Realising Rights Research Programme Consortium

IDS is part of the Realising Rights Research Programme Consortium, which brings together researchers from several disciplines to focus on populations in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia with the greatest access and entitlement problems in sexual and reproductive health (SRH): the very poor, young people – especially girls and young women, and other hard-to-reach groups such as migrants and those most vulnerable to stigma.

The main objectives of the programme are to:

  • Improve the evidence base on the high levels of SRH morbidity, mortality and unmet need among poor and vulnerable populations and communicate it to policy and advocacy audiences;
  • Find innovative ways to improve access to existing and new low cost SRH technologies and services by poor women and men;
  • Improve knowledge of how SRH rights can be translated into reality in locally appropriate and sensitive ways;
  • Build capacity to put sexual and reproductive health and rights onto national and local policy agendas.

Visit the Realising Rights website

Project details

start date
1 September 2005
end date
31 August 2010


About this project