
Review of UN Country Teams Engagement

The purpose of this review is to assess how effective the involvement of United Nations agencies, collectively and individually, has been in the Poverty Reduction Strategy processes. The review should identify lessons learned and constraints in integrating the UN development agenda, particularly the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), into Poverty Reduction Strategies


A comprehensive report that contains:

A review of the quality and effectiveness of UN Country Teams’ involvement in the formulation/implementation of national development strategies/Poverty Reduction Strategies in terms of strategic positioning of the global UN development agenda and MDGs at country level in support of national priorities; a set of recommendations and lessons learned to assist UN Country Teams in improving their effectiveness.

Greeley, M, (2007) Synthesis Report: Findings and Recommendations from a seven country study of UN Engagement in Poverty Reduction and National Development Strategies, Prepared for The United Nations Development Group, New York.

Project details

start date
11 March 2007
end date
11 May 2007


About this project

Programmes and centres
Centre for Social Protection
