
The Impact Initiative Rapid Response Briefing 1

Automation, Women, and the Future of Work

Published on 1 July 2017

Will women benefit from the rapid automation and digitisation that is set to change the world of work as we know it? How can we ensure that women’s economic interests are brought into focus, and that debates on the future of work are not about the changing relationship between man and machine, but between people and machine?

This briefing explores the impact of automation on women and work in developing countries, considering global targets on valuing unpaid care, rights to economic resources, and access and use of information and communication technologies.

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Faith, B. (2017) Automation, Women, and the Future of Work, The Impact Initiative, Rapid Response Briefing 1. Brighton, IDS.


Becky Faith

Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies

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Institute of Development Studies and The Impact Initiative


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