Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 42 Nos. 5

A Methodological Strategy for Reimagining Development: Enabling Complex Systemic Patterns to Surface through Multiple Voices

Published on 1 September 2011

The Reimagining Development initiative pursued a methodological strategy that viewed emerging development issues through multiple perspectives; juxtaposed different sets of issues; tested the resonance of narratives across multiple sites of engagement; drew new boundaries around key problems; and generated questions to pursue elsewhere.

It was an attempt to use a systems approach to get a less partial picture of a large and complex system. This article describes such approaches generally, their strengths and limitations, and reflects on their application to the Reimagining Development initiative.

Related Content

This article comes from theĀ IDS Bulletin 42.5 (2011) A Methodological Strategy for Reimagining Development: Enabling Complex Systemic Patterns to Surface through Multiple Voices

Cite this publication

Burns, D. (2011) A Methodological Strategy for Reimagining Development: Enabling Complex Systemic Patterns to Surface through Multiple Voices. IDS Bulletin 42(5): 13-16


Danny Burns

Professorial Research Fellow


Danny Burns

Professorial Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Burns, Danny
Haddad,L., Hossain,N., McGregor, J.A. and Mehta, L.
IDS Bulletin, volume 42, issue 5


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