Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 39 Nos. 1

Analysing the Effectiveness of Sector Support: Primary Education in Uganda and Zambia

Published on 1 March 2008

Since the mid-1990s, development agencies, including the Netherlands, started to move from project aid towards sector and general budget support.

These new aid modalities emerged because of a perceived lack of efficiency and effectiveness of the project approach, due to fragmentation and a lack of coordination, ownership and sustainability. The new aid policy has important implications for the evaluation of the effectiveness of bilateral support. Instead of focusing on the contribution of a specific development agency, an evaluation should focus on the sector as a whole. This article summarises two evaluations of the impact of interventions in primary education in Uganda and in Zambia (IOB/MoES 2008; IOB/AIID 2007). The objectives of the article are to show how the impact of developments in the sector can be analysed with the use of secondary data and to sketch the results in the education sector in these two countries

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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 39.1 (2008) Analysing the Effectiveness of Sector Support: Primary Education in Uganda and Zambia

Cite this publication

Kemp, A. (2008) Analysing the Effectiveness of Sector Support: Primary Education in Uganda and Zambia. IDS Bulletin 39(1): 36-50


Antonie de Kemp

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published by
Institute of Development Studies
Kemp, Antonie


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Uganda Zambia

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