Working Paper

CDI Practice Paper 8

Assessing Impact in Dynamic and Complex Environments: Systemic Action Research and Participatory Systemic Inquiry

Published on 11 September 2014

This CDI Practice Paper is about the uses of Systemic Action Research (SAR) and Participatory Systemic Inquiry (PSI) for impact assessment (Burns 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013; Wadsworth 2001, 2010).

SAR is an action research methodology which embeds design, planning, action and evaluation into a single process. It is an iterative learning process which supports real-time assessment across social systems. SAR can be embedded within programmes or layered into programmes later on in their development (Burns 2007). PSI is a shorter process, which allows a system to be mapped as a baseline against which changes in the dynamics of the system can be assessed (Burns 2012). PSI can underpin an action research process or it can be carried out as a process in its own right.

SAR typically takes place over a period of 18 months to three years. A PSI mapping and analysis might take place over a 2–12-week period. SAR has been used in a number of national and global INGO programmes. It has also been used in large-scale evaluations such as that of the Welsh Assembly Government’s Communities First programme.

Cite this publication

Burns, D. (2014) Assessing Impact in Dynamic and Complex Environments: Systemic Action Research and Participatory Systemic Inquiry, CDI Practice Paper 8, Brighton: IDS


Danny Burns

Professorial Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Burns, D
CDI Practice Paper, issue 8


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