Journal Article

Globalization and Health 49.13

Beyond Pilotitis: Taking Digital Health Interventions to the National Level in China and Uganda

Published on 31 July 2017

Innovation theory has focused on the adoption of new products or services by individuals and their market-driven diffusion to the population at large. However, major health sector innovations typically emerge from negotiations between diverse stakeholders who compete to impose or at least prioritise their preferred version of that innovation.

Thus, while many digital health interventions have succeeded in terms of adoption by a substantial number of providers and patients, they have generally failed to gain the level of acceptance required for their integration into national health systems that would promote sustainability and population-wide application.

The area of innovation considered here relates to a growing number of success stories that have created considerable enthusiasm among donors, international agencies, and governments for the potential role of ICTs in transforming weak national health information systems in middle and low income countries. This article uses a case study approach to consider the assumptions, institutional as well as technical, underlying this enthusiasm and explores possible ways in which outcomes might be improved.


Henry Lucas

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
BioMed Central
Huang, F., Blaschke, S., Lucas, H.
Globalization and Health, volume 13, issue 49


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