Working Paper

Climate Risk Management: Adapting Development Cooperation to Climate Change

Published on 1 January 2008

In response to a call from the G8 in Gleneagles (2005) to climate proof development assistance, DFID has piloted climate risk assessments of its development portfolios in Bangladesh, India, and Kenya, and selected non-DFID funded water sector programmes in China.

The objectives of these pilots were to:

  1. estimate our fiduciary risk exposure,
  2. propose actions to mitigate this risk, including an estimate of costs and benefits from such actions and;
  3. develop approaches for mainstreaming climate risk management in development assistance planning.

This paper consolidates the analysis of these case studies as a base for wider lesson sharing and for preparing the ground for further work on climate risk management procedures for community based development programmes, the private sector, local and national development planning and aid assistance.

Publication details

published by
Tanner, T.
IDS Working Paper, issue WP2008-20


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