
Frontiers of Sanitation;

Emerging Practice for the Engagement of Men and Boys in WASH

Published on 11 July 2022

This document accompanies Frontiers of Sanitation: Engaging men for gender transformative WASH, Part 2, which explores the extent to which engaging men and boys in WASH processes is leading to transformative change in gender roles, attitudes, and sustainable change in reducing gender inequalities across households, communities, organisations, and policy.

Practical examples are presented here from Uganda, Zambia, Timor-Leste, Papua NewGuinea (PNG), Solomon Islands, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Vanuatu,and Nepal.

Each of these examples, all of which are from projects funded by the Australian Government’s Water for Women Fund, describe interventions that employed different gender-transformative approaches to engage with and reach men and boys. They also describe the projects’ successes and challenges.

Cite this publication

Bongomin, G.; Huggett, C.; Jain, J.; Lala, S.; Lee, E.; Morrison, C.; Noerdiyanti, N.; Poilapa, R.; Sanderson, R. and Roy, P. (2022) Emerging Practice for the Engagement of Men and Boys in WASH, The Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2022.005


Godfrey Bongomin et al.

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