Journal Article

IDS Bulletin 37.3

Financial Vulnerability in Asia

Published on 1 July 2006

Currently, much of Asia is growing at a very impressive rate, with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS 2005a) reporting growth for the whole region of 7.8 per cent in 2004 and estimating growth of 7.2 per cent in 2005.

This is allowing for a very significant reduction in poverty. Continued high growth is crucial from a perspective of poverty reduction, as the number of poor people in Asia remains very large and they comprise a high proportion of the world’s poor. Also, though most Asian countries have very dynamic growth, there are several exceptions.

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IDS Bulletin 37.3

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Griffith?Jones, S. and Gottschalk, R. (2006) Financial Vulnerability in Asia. IDS Bulletin 37(3): 17-27


Ricardo Gottschalk

Publication details

IDS Bulletin, volume 37, issue 3


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