
Gender dimensions of rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty. A global perspective

Published on 1 January 2010

Status, trends and gaps.

Gender equality is an essential component of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. Equitable access to more and better jobs in rural areas enable rural women to become effective economic actors and engines of growth; as well as to produce or aquire the food, water, fuel and social services their families need. Indeed, the quality of the care mothers are able to give to their children and other household members contributes to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and improves prospects for future generations. The important gaps in data availability and analytical work in many key areas handicap policy makers’ efforts to address these crucial issues adequately when designing poverty alleviation and growth strategies.

The publication is structured into three main parts:

Part 1 is an overview provided by Marzia Fontana (Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex) with Cristina Paciello (University of Rome “La Sapienza”) presenting issues related to gender equality and rural employment for poverty reduction, that includes the construction of a gender analytical framework across regions and contexts. This section also identifies appropriate policy responses and gender based constraints to the achievement of decent work for all.

Part 2 outlines and analyses key issues from the forty papers presented at the workshop, and provides abstracts of all those papers.

Finally Part 3 offers a selection of six workshop papers that cover thematic areas of particular relevance to discussions about gender and rural employment.


Marzia Fontana

Research Associate

Publication details

published by
Fontana, M.


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